Stuff here is public information and is provided as an easier way to access things that I would otherwise post on HuskyCT. Please feel free to let me know if you would like to see anything else included here!
Basic Certification Resources
This website was created to provide public access to our training materials for outside partners. Anyone enrolled in, or volunteering for, UConn's VITA site can find these same materials in HuskyCT, Module 2.
Advanced Certification Resources
I wholeheartedly applaud your interest in Advanced Certification!
Accordingly, I've come up with everything I can think of to make it as painless as possible, while still giving you an appropriate level of learning.
This resource is simply amazing. Anything I created would be a shadow of it!
That said, it is still pretty daunting. I did make my own notes on the Advanced Certification Questions, which are a bit more direct and simple. I included links and stuff like that to make it easier to go straight to the easiest source. That document and others just for you guys are included below.
Publication 6744 Advanced Certification scenarios and questions, with Leanne's notes
Publication 4012, VITA/TCE Volunteer Resource Guide
Health Savings Account training pages from Publication 4491
Once, you are done, you can check your answers here!
Informational Guides and Instructions for Clients (not yet updated for the 2023 tax year)
Paper Filing Instructions CT-1040
Paper Filing Instructions CT-1040NR_PY 2021
Paper Filing Instructions Form 1040
Paper Filing Instructions Form 1040-NR
Paper Filing Instructions NC D-400
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Bangladesh
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from China
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from France
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Germany
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Ghana
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from India
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Iran
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Japan
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Lebanon
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from the Netherlands
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Nigeria
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from South Korea
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Spain
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return US Citizens and Resident Aliens
Guide to Understanding Your Tax Return NRAs from Countries without a US Income Tax Treaty
Letter for an NRA spouse electing to file RA with Resident Alien Spouse