Ph.D. – Accounting

The Ph.D. Program in Accounting prepares students to conduct state-of-the-art research and to take faculty positions in business schools at leading universities. The program emphasizes student/faculty interaction and timely completion of the degree.


The Accounting concentration curriculum emphasizes economics-based scholarly research in accounting.

Faculty in the Accounting area conduct research on a variety of topics, including but not limited to; accounting standards-setting;  analyst forecasts; auditing; corporate financial reporting issues; initial public offerings; internal control;  mergers and acquisitions; securities regulation in international capital markets; taxes and business decisions; tax policies.

The Accounting Ph.D. Program is intended to prepare students to conduct original research; i.e., to explain phenomena previously not well understood and then to test proposed explanations empirically. The goal is to prepare students to be the best in the field and place them in top universities.

Accounting Doctoral Scholar’s Program

UConn’s Accounting Ph.D. Program has been selected to participate in the Accounting Doctoral Scholars Program. This program has been set up by the largest accounting firms, state societies of CPSs, and the American Institute of CPAs to increase the number of qualified accounting faculty.  The program provides an additional $40,000 of financial support to qualified participants.
Accounting Doctoral Scholars


Erin Henry ’14 Ph.D., recently had her dissertation accepted at Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR).
As a PhD graduate, Erin accepted a faculty position at the University of Tennessee, she is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis.
Henry, E. (), The Information Content of Tax Expense: A Discount Rate Explanation. Contemp Account Res. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/1911-3846.12364

For More Information

Accounting Department Ph.D. Coordinator: Todd Kravet
Ph.D. in Business Program